Spanning four Kyushu prefectures, the Ariake Sea has the largest tidal flats in Japan. With numerous rivers flowing into it and abundant nutrients, it is a cradle for many different creatures. The Ariake Sea bass that inhabits the Ariake Sea is the target of this trip. Ariake Sea bass tend to grow larger than Japanese sea bass and, like the Japanese sea bass, far exceed a meter in size. ima pro staff member and ranker hunter, Hamamoto Kunihiko, will be aiming for them. The stage is Shimabara Bay. This will be Hamamoto's second time taking on the Shimabara Bay, so how will he tackle the field, where the maximum tidal range reaches six meters and creates rapid currents? Starring: Kunihiko Hamamoto (ima pro staff) Filming date: Early March 2018 Lures used: kosuke 110S (Kosuke 110S) Color: Mullet, Matte ChartEMPATHY 90 Proto (Empathy 90 Proto) Color: Yellow Sand, otherskosuke 130F Proto (Kosuke 130F Proto) Color: Red Head Pearl OB • kosuke 130F (Kosuke 130F) INTRO MOVIE NABARONE 150F (Kosuke 130F Proto) Color: Chart Back PearlYOICHI 99 (Yoichi 99) https://www.ima-ams.co.jp/products/yo... Color: Shikisai YOICHI 99 (Sasuke 120 Reppa) https://www.ima-ams.co.jp/products/sa... Color: Metal Hammer Gigo (limited edition) [Related Videos] ima NEW PRODUCT kosuke 130F (Kosuke 130F) INTRO MOVIE • kosuke 130F (Kosuke 130F) INTRO MOVIE