What is Kundalini Yoga? https://wiki.yoga-vidya.de/Kundalini In this lecture, Sukadev https://wiki.yoga-vidya.de/Sukadev explores this question and introduces you to the philosophy of Kundalini Yoga - and this also in the context of the 4 main yoga paths. What are the similarities and what are the main practice paths in Kundalini Yoga? Furthermore, these 6 main practices from Hatha Yoga are explained in connection with Kundalini Yoga: Kriya Asana Pranayama Shavasana Bandha Mudra This is the 1st part of the lecture series on Kundalini Yoga. And you can find further useful information at https://www.yoga-vidya.de/kundalini-y... - in our Kundalini portal. In addition, this lecture is part of the lecture series "Yoga Vidya Training - The Holistic Yoga Path" - https://wiki.yoga-vidya.de/YVS001