In this show, Sabawoon Momand has gone to Afghanistan's Kunar province. Here you will see interviews with the beauties and people of Shigal, Asmar and Dangam districts. In this show, Sabavon Momand has gone to Kunar province of Afghanistan. Here you can see interviews with the beauties and people of Shigal, Asmar and Dangam districts. Facebook: / sunriseafghanistan Tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJtX1gcn/ #Afghanistan #Nangarhar #Kunar #Shigal #Asmar #Dangam #Asadabad #Update #Province #Bazaar #Travel #Street #Jalalabad #View #Walk #Walking #Talib #Taliban #Amrat_e_islami #Today's #City #regime #situation #Rule #Daily #National #Afghanistan #Nangerhar #Kuner #Shigal #Province #Asmar Dangam #Asaadabad #Travel #Wurz #Rapur #Shahr #Şar #Islamic_Emirate