Kudron's Billiards Salon - The last lesson of the Kim Ye-eun episode The basics of the basics! We will tell you about billiards posture. From how to hold the cue to how to breathe deeply? The fourteenth lesson of Kudron's Billiards Salon starts now. #BilliardsSalon #3Cushions #SecretNote #Posture #BilliardsPosture #BilliardsBasics #SideTurn #Spinball #WellbangPhoenix #Kudron #KimYe-eun #Billiards #BilliardsLesson #3CushionLesson #ProfessionalBilliards #PBA #LPBA #SeoHyunMin #Biroll #HanJiSeung #OhSuJeong #Captain #KuYeEun #Kudron'sBilliardsSalon #WelcomeSavingsBank A. This video will be posted even after the expiration date for the purpose of preserving the bank's records. B. Welcome Savings Bank Compliance Officer Deliberation No. 3920-B (2022.12.07~2023.12.06)