Christian Rück, psychiatrist, professor of psychiatry and research group leader at the Karolinska Institutet, talks about "Well-being and health, maybe it's not so dangerous to feel bad?" Some time ago, he gave an appreciated talk at the Transport Board's Flight Chiefs meeting to shed light on important issues that the aviation industry calls - non-technical knowledge. An hour's lecture including a question and answer session does neither Christian, nor the subject as such, justice. However, it is an excellent opportunity to attend to develop understanding and insight into something that we all get really close to sooner or later. He has published the books: "Unhappy in paradise - why do we feel bad when everything is so good" and recently the August Prize nominee: "A life worth living - why suicide became man's companion. Checklists, acronyms and abbreviations occur frequently in aviation. IM SAFE questions one's performance and is introduced, among other things, in the subject Man's prerequisites and limitations, eng. Human Performance and Limitations. Are there multiple tools and how do we best help ourselves and others? WARM WELCOME!