Bangjja is a special manufacturing technique in which brassware is not made by casting it, but is individually hammered into shape. Korea is the only country with the technology to make brassware by bangjja. Bongju Lee, a brassware master, is considered the best brassware master in Korea. He has inherited the family business for three generations, from his son to his grandson. Master #4. A Thousand Years of Pounding. Bongju Lee, a brassware master ===================================== Like and Subscribe! Please click~ The bell icon in the upper right corner is the notification button. If you click it and turn it on, you will receive live notifications. ===================================== Busan MBC homepage https://www.busanmbc.co.kr ==================================== #BusanMBCDocumentary #BusanMBCDocumentary #PremiumDocumentary #BusanMBC #BusanMBC #MunhwaBroadcasting =====================================