HELLO HELLO! How are you!? I am so happy that my second fermentation is finally ready and this video is so I can share it with you and all the people we are fermenting together with! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments and remember to join the fermentation family on Instagram and TikTok @MaiDirtyHands What other ferment would you like to know? I already recorded the KVASS and TEPACHE tutorial! For the water kefir, it has been really hot and I have been struggling... CHAPTERS: 0:00 intro 2:28 how to know when to move on to the 2nd fermentation 7:53 how to make fizzy kombucha 10:12 how to add flavor to kombucha! 12:40 making my berry juice for flavor 15:20 preparing the second fermentation 20:26 adding medicinal herbs to my kombucha 21:46 how long, how to store it and other questions... 25:19 outro REFRACTOMETER: https://amzn.to/3RjYrNQ AMBER BOTTLES WITH CLIP LID: https://amzn.to/3KB0rNV MY SOCIAL NETWORKS: Instagram: @MaiDirtyHands / maidirtyhands @Biocreations / biocreations @MaiGoldenHoney / maigoldenhoney TikTok: Mai Dirty Hands / maidirtyhands MY FAVORITE GARDEN AND GARDEN PRODUCTS: https://linktr.ee/huertoyjardin?utm_s... FERMENTATION BOOKS: -THE ART OF FERMENTATION (TRANSLATED INTO SPANISH): https://amzn.to/3PMyJks -THE ART OF FERMENTATION (ORIGINAL): https://amzn.to/3J5y5uI -THE FIBER FUELED COOKBOOK (A LOT OF THEORY AND DELICIOUS RECIPES) https://amzn.to/3U2q3ZG MY FAVORITE BOOKS (KNOWING IS BELIEVING) https://linktr.ee/saberparacreer