I welcome Jean-Luc Giribone, a writer of immense culture who deploys a unique and fascinating understanding of spirituality. Jean-Luc's book: https://www.seuil.com/ouvrage/par-del... My site: https://www.fabricemidal.com Keywords: Spiritual paths appear at first glance to be very different from each other: we hardly see what brings together seated meditation, the art of floral arrangements and the practice of martial arts. And even less what brings them closer to the "dark night" of John of the Cross, or the "inner experience" of Georges Bataille. But the very plurality of these practices raises the question of what unites them - what do they have in common? How do they change our vision of the world, of things, of theories and, more profoundly, our relationship to life? And finally, what is a "path"? What does this word mean, when we try to explore its depth? These are the questions that this book seeks to answer, which, by following the itinerary of a "spiritual researcher", and by bringing into play various insights from psychoanalysis, psychotherapy and the human sciences, explores the fundamentals of these practices of the self. Jean-Luc Giribone, a former student of the ENS (Ulm), agrégé de lettres, has been interested in spiritual practice for over thirty years. He is the author of essays and stories: Méditations carnavalesques, Le Rire étrange, Qu'est-ce qu'un homme de vérité? and La Nef immobile.