There is negativity in our work. But we will not give up. First, remember, people do not always want to offend you. Sometimes negativity affects you randomly, or a person is simply not ready for the price, idea, result (he did not imagine a pink dress of size 58 like this, but like in the photo in the magazine for 40m). Second, find support. All of us, even very adults and independent ones, sometimes feel pain and offence. If you cannot talk about it with your loved ones, find a club of interests (a forum, a knitters' club, any community where you will receive POSITIVE feedback.) And we will help you choose yarn that is a pleasure to work with. website https://kozzko.ru/ You can ask your questions on the website in WhatsApp. We will answer about consumption, color and properties (and everything else) during working hours, but with pleasure))) Enjoy your creativity!