Is it possible to make money on knitting, knitting to order, knitting as a job, making money on knitting, my story and my experience. 0:00 - Greetings. What is the video about? 0:42 - How did I start? 1:55 - What helped me cope with my fear? (some tips) 4:26 - What is ETSY? 5:57 - I chose the second option. 6:47 - My video on Instagram, where I said that I want to start making money on knitting. 8:33 - Support and help from friends. 9:04 - This is something to consider if you want to knit to order. Hello everyone! In this video, I want to share my experience of knitting to order. I will tell you what, in my opinion, is very important to consider when knitting to order, what mistakes are best avoided and how to reach a permanent income of about $ 1000 Enjoy watching!