The documentary program series produced about veterans of the War of Independence and Knights of the Mannerheim Cross is part of the Suomi 100 program project. Between 1984 and 1991, film producer/director Ari Laurila has produced several personal documentaries about veterans of the War of Independence and the Knights of the Mannerheim Cross, which were released to the public in digital format in honor of the anniversary. The series has previously been published in Päijät-Hämee on the local TV channel Päijät-Visio Oy. In several personal interviews, the veterans share their memories of the beginning of the Winter War and the period when Finland's small army faced an overwhelming enemy attack on the Karelian Isthmus. Interviewees include Adolf Ehrnrooth, GE Magnusson, Pentti Iisalo and Väinö Valve. The programs are illustrated by pictures from the interviewees and archival material from the Department of Military History. The interviewer for the program series is Tauno Juhana Lahtinen. The digitization and publication of the series have been assisted by: Marjatta and Eino Kollin Säätiö www.kollinsaatio.com Editing of the collection: www.mainostohtorit.com / QuickClic All rights to copyright are reserved. Rights owner: Ari Laurila and QuickClic Finland Oy Project producer / publisher: QuickClic Finland Oy, Hannele Laurila Inquiries: QUICKCLIC FINLAND OY Project manager: Hannele Laurila 050 590 7115, [email protected] www.qc.fi