Sudden cardiac death occurs quickly and usually completely unexpectedly. Around 65,000 people die from it every year in Germany alone. In acute situations, cardiac massage is the only thing that can keep those affected alive until the emergency services arrive. What causes sudden cardiac death, understanding these, correctly interpreting warning signs, assessing and recognizing risk factors at an early stage, their diagnosis and treatment, and the current state of research - these are topics that Prof. Dr. med. Christian Weiß addresses and explains in more detail in this podcast. Prof. Dr. med. Christian Weiß has been chief physician of the Department of Cardiology and Internal Intensive Care Medicine and head of the Center for Cardiac Arrhythmias at the Lüneburg Clinic since 2009. Further information on the Clinic for Cardiology and Internal Intensive Care Medicine, Center for Cardiac Arrhythmias can be found at https://www.klinikum-lueneburg.de/kar... Produced by Radio ZuSa, from the series "Fit and healthy", Moderation: Kirsten Rinke #Atrial fibrillation #Myocarditis #Cardiac death