Hello everyone from a new video ♡ I tried the product in 3 different places. On the chair, on the stained carpet and on a part of the sofa. I could not believe the dirty water that came out, you can comment 😱😱😱. Product link: https://app.hb.biz/TI2b8CMdYdP9 ▹ Instagram: indirimkesfet / indirimkesfet ▹ Tiktok: nur.badem https://www.tiktok.com/@nur.badem?_t=... ▹ Youtube: nur.badem https://youtube.com/@nurbadem?si=mU6x... ▹ Collaborations: [email protected] See you in the next video, goodbye ♡ #kiwikoltukyikama #kiwikcc4320 #kiwihalkolikoyikama #cleaning #carpetwashing #advertisement