The fourth series of "Kinpachi Sensei, Class 3B" starring Takeda Tetsuya. Kinpachi has been away from teaching since his wife Satomi passed away, but he receives a request from his former school, Sakura Junior High School, to return. In Class 3B, there is also Ayumu, the son of his former student Yukino (Sugita Kaoru). Kinpachi discusses with his students the problems of bullying and school absenteeism that lurk in seemingly peaceful school life, as well as the problems of deviation scores and entrance exams that have now been abolished, and helps them overcome the many high hurdles. Kinpachi assigns students to bullies and bullied children, and role-plays bullying to help them understand how bullying is done unconsciously. Reina Komine and others appear as students. This series recorded a high audience rating of 23.5% at its peak and 19.2% on average.