There have been many kingdoms and kings in Kerala... This video tells about the status, lifestyle and wealth of the Kerala kings of old... . In this video we talk about the history of kingdoms in kerala and the life style of kerala kings... especially zamorin of Kozhikode and Cochin kingdom... we also talk about the condition travancore before and after marthanda varma... . #zamorin #travancore #keralakingdoms #keralahistory #castesystem #castesysteminkerala #historymalayalam #peekintopast . nb : some images are used for illustration purpose ! . . Contents : 1 - life style in kerala kingdoms 2 - zamorin history 3 - marthanda varma and travancore 4 - cochin kingdom and portuguese 5 - why hyder ali attacked kozhikode . . In this video we talk about history of kerala kings zamorin of kozhikode history cochin kingdom in malayalam travancore and marthanda varma who was the richest king in kerala zaomorin power in kerala