Former safari hunter Allan Quatermain (Patrick Swayze) returns to the life of an adventurer when determined Elizabeth Maitland (Alison Doody) convinces him to find her missing father who disappeared in Africa while searching for the legendary King Solomon's Mines. Starring: Patrick Swayze, Alison Doody, John Standing Directed by: Steve Boyum Chapter 2: • King Solomon's Mines Chapter 2 ... To see more complete series dubbed in Spanish go here: • Complete Series - In Latin Spanish You can watch Action movies here: • Drama Movies If you are a movie fan, don't miss any premieres - subscribe here - / @lanochedepeliculas Take your seats ladies and gentlemen for LA Noche de Películas, the channel where you will find the best free movies on YouTube to watch science fiction movies, romantic movies, action movies, suspense movies, adventure movies or even movies about any topic. All movies are in Spanish and 100% free. Enjoy the screening (and feel free to make as much noise as you like with your popcorn)