The Super Sentai series "Ousama Sentai King Oger" (TV Asahi, Sunday 9:30 am) is about the kings of the five kingdoms that rule Chikyuu becoming warriors and fighting against the earth empire Bagnarak that threatens peace. The sixth warrior, Jeramie Brascielli (Ikeda Masashi), will make his first appearance in the 11th episode, which will air on May 14th. Ikeda talked to Taisei Sakai (Kuwagata Oger/Gira), Aoto Watanabe (Tombo Oger/Yanma Gust), Erika Murakami (Kamakiri Oger/Himeno Ran), Yuzuki Hirakawa (Papillon Oger/Rita Kaniska), and Hajime Yoshihisa (Hachi Oger/Kaguragi Dybowski) about his first meeting with the five other warriors. We also asked all six of them to guess the "taste" of the mysterious food "Rainbow Jururira" that appears in the show. #### #Osama Sentai King Oger 0:00 Lead 0:14 Tombo Oger/Yanmagust Watanabe Aoto 0:54 Were there any surprises? 1:04 An episode from your audition 1:19 Thoughts on Jeramie's first appearance 3:05 What were your impressions of the other members when you saw them on set for the first time? 4:46 Did Murakami start by talking to Ikeda? 5:24 Did you hold back from talking to him? 5:56 What was your impression of Hirakawa when you first met him? 6:52 Hirakawa previously said, "There are a lot of jokes on this set," but what about Ikeda? 8:38 The "Rainbow Jururira" that is a hot topic in the show - can you guess what it tastes like? 10:13 What to look forward to in the future, and a message to viewers