Synopsis Forced to Marry Tuan Muda ANTV tells about the intrigues that occur in the upper class society. Kinanti, a beautiful girl is forced to marry Abhimana to replace her half-sister, Sarah. It all started with Herman, Kinanti's father, who needed a lot of money to pay off debts and complete a project that exploded and burned. Herman agreed with Abhimana to give one of his daughters to marry. Sarah, who already had a boyfriend, was forced by Herman and Marissa to marry Abhimana. However, when her wedding ceremony was almost here, Sarah chose to run away with her boyfriend, Bastian, so Kinanti had to take her place. Watch ANTV on digital channels, rescan the Set Top Box/Digital TV and enjoy ANTV broadcasts that are cleaner, clearer, and more sophisticated. Jakarta 34 UHF Bandung 38 UHF Semarang 39 UHF Surabaya 32 UHF Medan 40 UHF Makassar 40 UHF Yogyakarta 35 UHF Palembang 35 UHF Denpasar 42 UHF Banjarmasin 43 UHF Surakarta 35 UHF #SinetronANTV Livestream 24 Hours: https://www.antvklik.com/livestream Visit: https://www.intipseleb.com/ https://www.antvklik.com/ Instagram / antv_official / antvklikdotcom_official / intipseleb Facebook / antvofficial / intipseleb Now you can watch various favorite shows on ANTV anytime in the palm of your hand. #ANTV #ANTVofficial #ANTVKlik #ANTVLovers NP 4077 BF 4047 VID# 6