The third installment of the popular Killer Soba Restaurant series! This time it's Goto's turn! Goto has been a big fan of Tenkaippin since he was in middle school, and we'll talk about his favorite restaurant, his favorite way to visit, and even his favorite seats and menu... Goto's love for Tenkaippin is unstoppable! ▶︎Foot Iwao's YouTube "One-Man Foot" Please subscribe to the channel • [First episode] One-man skit "Fan Letter" [Iwao YouTube] Enjoy the laughs from three comedians: Chihara Junior, Yoshimoto Shinkigeki's Koyabu Chitoyo, and Football Hour's Goto and Iwao! Thank you for reaching 650,000 subscribers! Please [subscribe] and [like]! Videos are released every Wednesday and Saturday at 6pm #ChiharaJunior #KoyabuChitoyo #FootballHour #Zakkuri #JuniorKoyabuFoot [Program Official Twitter] /zakkuri_youtube [Cast SNS Information] Junior Instagram https://instagram.com/chihara_jr?igsh... ChiharaJunior YouTube / @chihara_jr Koyabu Twitter https://twitter.com/koyabukazutoyo?s=09 Koyabu Instagram / koyabukazutoyo_shinkigeki Fortnite Bad Old Guy / @hime_zoyo Iwao Twitter https://twitter.com/nozomuiwao?s=09 Iwao Instagram https://instagram.com/iwaotsukushi?ig...