Complete Kihon - We detail all the material of the Kihon for the Shotokan Black Belt First Dan Graduation Exam so that you can prepare with all the confidence and security for the difficulties that the exam requires... This Kihon is the basis for all other Dan, so it is of the utmost importance that you train hard to improve your physical, mental and technical conditioning. Be sure to check out our other videos on self-defense and technical training in Shotokan karate-Do with Sensei Gabriche. Remember that our channel is not aimed only at Shotokan practitioners, but at all karate practitioners, where we cover valuable technical training that we practice in our karate classes and that I am sure will help a lot in your karate development. A big hug to everyone and until the next video. ???? SUBSCRIBE to our social networks. Facebook: / bujindokan Instagram: / sensei_gabriche 1:05 Complete Kihon 6:49 Kihon Breakdown 7:06 Sonoba-Zuki 8:19 Mae-Geri / Oi-Zuki 8:46 Mae-Geri / Gyaku-Zuki 9:09 Sanbon-Zuki 10:20 Age-Uke / Gedan-Barai / Gyaku-Zuki 10:55 Shuto-Uke / Tate-Nukite / Shuto-Uke 12:13 Oi-Zuki / Gedan-Barai / Oi-zuki 13:27 Kizami-Zuki / Kaiten / Uraken-Uchi 14:46 Me-Geri / Mae-Yoko-Geri /Mawashi-Geri / Ushiro-Geri / Gyaku-Zuki 16:41 Kizami-Mae-Geri / Mae-Geri and Mawashi-Geri 17:50 Yoko-Geri-Keage 19:42 Final considerations