Domingo Espetacular presents a story involving a crime, an act and two lives that crossed paths on a highway in Goiás. A man was kidnapped, placed in the back of a pickup truck and used only his fingertips to call for help. The driver behind was able to see the sign and took a video that helped change the victim's fate. Our Whatsapp: https://domingoespetacular.r7.com/wha... Subscribe to the Domingo Espetacular channel: http://r7.com/H2sU Watch the full version on PlayPlus: https://www.playplus.com : / Domingoespetacular Instagram: / Domingoespetacular Twitter: / domespetacular Official website: https://recordtv.r7.com/domingo-espet... #DomingoEspetacular #CarolinaFerraz #SergioAguiar