The turkey neck presenter (and almost Arab) Kurti welcomes Toni Hamadi today - er: Kida Khodr Ramadan. The actor's specialty: shocking people, being brave and sometimes showing a certain bit of megalomania. In this episode, things are sometimes loud and self-confident, and sometimes quiet and thoughtful. And plans are being made: maybe we'll see Kida as Helmut Kohl or Krömer as a mafia boss in the future? We recorded this episode in December 2023. Send feedback, comments or greetings to [email protected] It continues in FEELINGS DELUXE! - Listen now to the exclusive bonus episode with Sabine Rückert only on Amazon Music: https://amzn.to/FEELINGS-DELUXE-YT Connect with Wondery http://wondery.com/shows / wonderymedia / wonderymedia / wonderymedia #Wondery #KurtKrömer #interview #podcast #chezkroemer #4Blocks #KidaKhodrRamadan