Deutsche Telekom's fiber optic expansion will continue unabated in 2021. The goal is to supply up to two million new households per year. With FTTH connections, they receive fiber optic cables right into their house or apartment, allowing them to surf with extremely fast internet. In order to be able to lay FTTH in Germany as quickly as possible, Telekom is constantly looking for new laying methods. The keyhole method is currently being tested. This is intended to enable the fiber optic cable to be laid quickly and in an environmentally friendly way, as if through a keyhole and without the need for a complex excavation pit. We look through the keyhole and reveal how it works. ____________________________________________ Subscribe to our YouTube channel and don't miss any more videos: / @telekomnetz ____________________________________________ These videos are also interesting: ►DIN standard for rapid fiber optic expansion: • DIN standard for rapid fiber optic expansion ►Rapid fiber optic expansion through artificial intelligence: • Rapid fiber optic expansion through artificial... ____________________________________________ ►Blog: https://telekom.com/de/blog/netz ►Podcast: https://www.telekom.com/de/medien/pod... ►Twitter: / telekomnetz ____________________________________________ COMMENTS: We look forward to talking to you. This is what we and other viewers want from comments: 1. open, but polite and respectful 2. considered and stimulating 3. tolerant of differing opinions This is what annoys us and other viewers: 1. SPAM 2. insults and personal attacks 3. any violations of German law, e.g. B. Copyright 4. Topics that do not relate to the article 5. Statements that are harmful to minors If such comments appear, we reserve the right to remove them. The comment rules at a glance: https://telekom.com/de/blog/artikel/u... ____________________________________________ #Fiber optic expansion #Keyhole #FTTH