*This story is fiction based on a true story. In Kenya, women and children have to go to the river to fetch water during the dry season. In areas far from the river, they spend most of their day doing hard work to fetch water. Japan and China provided support to such a country, but... [References, citations, etc.] https://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/gaiko/od... https://www.lifeplusfoundation.org/ja... https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/380742 https://president.jp/articles/-/40236... [Zundamon BB materials] • Kunel Dance Zundamon BB • Zundamon BB Value Set 2 [Audio] VOICEVOX: Zundamon https://voicevox.hiroshiba.jp/ [Character portrait] Sakamoto Ahiru https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im10... Tanaka / yukkuri_tanaka [Regarding the copyrighted materials used in the video] The copyrights and portrait rights of all images and other copyrighted materials used in this video belong to the respective rights holders. #Zundamon #Slow explanation #Overseas reaction #Overseas aid #Kenya #Japan #China #Dam #Sand dam #Sand dam #Fetching water