The Keiyo Line is a 43km line connecting Tokyo Station and Soga Station, built by the Japan Railway Construction Public Corporation (now JRTT), and is still a vital part of commuter transport in the Tokyo Bay area. The Keiyo City Center Line refers to the 7.4km section from Tokyo Station to Shin-Kiba Station. The records of the engineers who overcame the severe constraints of the city to create the Keiyo City Center Line are revived. Project Japan Railway Construction Public Corporation (now JRTT) [JRTT] Official website https://www.jrtt.go.jp/ Official Instagram / jrtt_pr Official X https://x.com/JRTT_PR Hokkaido Shinkansen Construction Bureau Official Instagram / jrtt_hkd ▼About the Japan Railway Construction Public Corporation: The Japan Railway Construction Public Corporation (JRTC) is a special corporation established on March 23, 1964 (Showa 39) to take over the business of constructing new railway lines from the Japanese National Railways (JNR). ▼Construction track record of the Japan Railway Construction Public Corporation: From the time the corporation was founded until the Nationwide Shinkansen Railway Development Act was promulgated in May 1970, it got the construction of local trunk and regional development lines (AB lines), and major trunk and metropolitan transportation lines (CD lines) on track, and in June 1972, it added construction work for private railway lines in three major metropolitan areas. Until it was taken over by the Railway and Transport Organization on October 1, 2003, it had completed 109 lines and approximately 2,810 km of railway, including the Seikan Tunnel, the Joetsu, Hokuriku and Tohoku Shinkansen lines, the Tokyo Monorail Haneda Line, the Mori Line (South Rias Line) and Kuji Line (North Rias Line), the Kosei Line, the Urakami Line (Nagasaki Main Line), the Musashino Line, the Sendai City Rapid Railway Namboku Line, and the Yamanashi Maglev Test Line. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Railway and Transport Organization has inherited the technology and experience of the Corporation and is promoting the construction of new Shinkansen lines and railway development through projects to enhance the convenience of urban railways. #RailwayTransportOrganization #jrtt #KeiyoLine