The recommended temperature for keeping is 12-18 Cº, fluctuations within ±5°C are considered acceptable. Adult healthy animals, depending on the breed, are able to withstand temperatures from -30 Cº to +30 Cº for several days, outside these values, they become seriously ill and die. Rabbits do not tolerate sudden temperature fluctuations, high humidity or dry air (optimum 60-75%), and catch colds in strong drafts. Animals feel better in the presence of sunlight within daylight hours. When keeping outdoors in hot weather, it is necessary to ensure that the animals do not get heat stroke, protect the cages from overheating from above with straw and hay. A small dose of ultraviolet light will be useful for animals. In closed rabbitries, it is recommended to provide windows with an area of 8-10% of the floor area. In some large farms, in addition to natural lighting, artificial lighting is used from 6 am to 9 pm.