To receive more personal growth and psychology advice, sign up for my free newsletter: https://bit.ly/NewsletterLucaMazzucch... Keeping a relationship alive: 3 steps to overcome disorder in love 00:00 Do you know the law of entropy? It is important to know it because it can make the difference in how to keep a relationship alive. Let's look at 3 practical steps together to improve the relationship thanks to the mental model of entropy. This mental model will allow us to overcome disorder in love ;-) 1:18 THE RELATIONSHIP OF COUPLES UNDER THE LENS OF ENTROPY Our relationships and our relationships as a couple also follow the law of entropy and tend naturally and gradually towards disorder. ❓But, if it is a natural propensity of all things, what can we do to prevent our relationships from following this tendency? The question is not whether we can prevent entropy, but rather what we can do in concrete terms to prevent and manage it. 3:16 ENTROPY AND COUPLES: A PRACTICAL EXERCISE Here is a small practical exercise in 3 steps to immediately put the entropy model into practice in your relational life: 3:56 STEP 1 1️⃣ Reflect on your relationship as a system that naturally tends towards disorder and write a list of the signs of disorder that are occurring or that you think could occur 4:21 STEP 2 2️⃣ Try to write a list of actions that you can implement in order to maintain or improve the current order of your relationship 4:49 STEP 3 3️⃣ Create a realistic and sustainable action plan by defining clear and measurable objectives based on the actions in the previous list 5:26 FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS ???? Involve your partner and work together to infuse new energy into your couple system ✨ Remember that relationships are dynamic, not fixed entities and therefore may require adjustments over time =============== ➡️ Entropy is just one of the mental models among the many that I share in my video course Advanced Decision Making - Strategies and mental models to hack thinking and make better decisions. If you also want to learn to think more effectively and make better decisions, discover the video course: https://decisionmakingavanzato.it/ ➡️ Follow me on Instagram here: / luca.mazzucchelli #psychology #personalgrowth #couple