Today there is a little exercise for you: Imagine a line on the ground and try to lead your horse so that all four legs stay on this line. Bernd will of course show you how to do this. Have fun! ⱣⱣⱣⱣⱣⱣⱣⱣ NOW it's YOUR turn ⱣⱣⱣⱣⱣⱣⱣⱣ Did Bernd's tips help you? Let us know in the comments! ▶️ Subscribe to the channel: / berndhackl7. . ▶️▶️Become a channel member NOW and receive Bernd's exclusive Horseman training: / @bernd_hackl THANK YOU for subscribing to the channel! For you it's just a click. For Bernd it means a lot of great support ♥ ⱣⱣⱣⱣⱣⱣⱣ MORE tips and tricks from HORSEMAN Bernd Hackl ⱣⱣⱣⱣⱣⱣⱣ ???? Check out our website: https://www.berndhackl.de ???? Get inspired on Instagram: / berndhackl.7p ???? Join our Facebook community: / berndhackl.pferdetraining ????️You can find the 7P online shop here: https://www.berndhackl.de/shop/