Dear friends, please subscribe to support us Can the skeptical critic thinker believe? Hikmat and Philosophy Research Institute, November 1401, it was two or three months before the beautiful Jina was filled, that I promised to talk about critical thinking and its relationship with the philosophy of religion in the month of Mehr. How did I know that an innocent girl, by the miracle of her ascension, will split the Nile of history and divide our time into two parts. Little did I know that the hail of sorrow is going to fall on us. How did I know we were going to shed skin? What kind of unkindness did he do in the month of Mehr and the meeting was postponed for the month of Aban, which ruined us. I think that others whose times are better than ours have been more thoughtful and considerate than us, that a person's destiny is his plan. Thinking and planning should not go on vacation under any circumstances. Thought can mourn alongside thinking, but it should not be shut down. Thinking is not sanctionable. Normal routines require as much thought as unusual and emergency situations. What I want to say about it is that how can a critical thinker believe in contemporary times? (Can it at all?). And what is meant by a critical thinker is someone who tries to keep in mind the logic side of critical thinking and thinking (or, as Mehdi Khosravani Aziz says, critical thinking) while thinking, and at the same time is adorned with several intellectual virtues such as humility and open-mindedness. And intellectual courage and of course the virtue of lateness. In this meeting, I will try to explore some models that philosophers have given for the relationship between reason and faith, and finally, in the end, I will propose a model that I think is fitting for the Iranian citizen of today and tomorrow. Other domestic and foreign guests will talk about other topics in separate meetings, which must be heard.