Ekaterna Lychagina is 28 years old. A short blonde with long eyelashes, she heads a peasant farm. 6 years ago, Katya returned to her native village from Chelyabinsk, where she studied to be an economist and worked as an accountant. She was only 22 years old when she opened an individual entrepreneur, drew up a business plan, and won a grant from the state to develop a dairy farm. Katya spent a million on cows and the necessary equipment. Then she felt sorry to sell milk to resellers. Katya came up with the idea of processing it and transporting it for sale to the city, where good farm produce is always in short supply. Now she has more than 100 clients in Chelyabinsk, including small stores. Together with her parents, Katya processes 400-500 liters of milk per day in the summer: she makes cheese, yogurt, sour cream, and cottage cheese. She does not hire workers for production, because she is worried about the quality of the products. Otherwise, her life is no different from the lives of her peers: she surfs the Internet, goes on holiday to Turkey. And at the same time, she dreams of opening a cheese factory and plans to sell another batch of broiler meat by the New Year. *** Subscribe to CURRENT TIME.DOC - http://bit.ly/CurrentTimeDOC