On this wonderful hike, we took a taxi from Kilpisjärvi approx. 20 km in the direction of Norway to the Didnu parking lot, where we started the 9-day hike. The route of the initial trip followed Didnujoki, whose numerous rapids we admired. We passed the Lossu huts, the mighty Urtaslaakso all the way to Riimmajärvi. We checked into Urtahotelli and went up to the Haltin route via the Kovddosgais saddle and the northwest end of Pihtsusjärvi. We went to Halt and Ridnicohkka. Our return journey followed the old route and we crossed both the Pihtsus and Urtasjoki near Lake Vuomakasjärvi. We ascended from the Meeko saddle to Bieferjärvi, after which we went from the old hut ruins in Kahperuskuru through Kahperuskuru through the Kuonjarjokilaakso to near the highest point of the Kalotti route. We checked out the great landscapes of the Kuonjar limestone cliff and the nearby quartz stone quarry. We continued through Saarijärvi tupi and the top of Muurivaara, next to the shores of Saanajärvi, going around Saana to the parking lot of the Nature Center.