A cross-portrait of Anatoli Karpov and Garry Kasparov, whose relentless confrontation accompanied the fall of the USSR. An opposition between a style of fire and ice, this duel was one of the most intense fights in the sporting legend. The story of two chess giants, who wage a personal war in a world in ruins. More than a face-off on the chessboard, this fight in black and white, halfway between psychological drama and political thriller, stages antagonisms nested inside each other like Russian dolls. Kasparov vs Karpov is the fight of a tottering Empire against a liberal youth who, with a few moves in advance, will put it in check. Or how two stories, the small and the large, initially parallel, end up overlapping each other to form a single story. Documentary: Anatoli Karpov – Garry Kasparov, Two Kings for a Crown Direction: Jean-Charles Deniau & Serguei Kostine Production: Roche Productions (2014) #documentary #freedocumentary #documentaryhistory #slicequi #slice #history #karpov #kasparov #chess #rivalry #fall #empire #geniuses #duel #conflict #chess #russia #ussr #strategy #memoirs #titans #rivalries #confrontation