The battle between Naruto, Rock Lee, and Gaara against Kimimaro takes place during the Sasuke rescue mission. Initially, Naruto faces Kimimaro, but is outmatched by his skills. Rock Lee then steps in and fights Kimimaro, showing off his unique style of Taijutsu, including the Drunken Fist. However, Lee is also defeated. When all seems lost, Gaara arrives to save his companions, using his sand control to face Kimimaro. The battle is intense, with Kimimaro using his Kekkei Genkai, Shikotsumyaku, to manipulate his bones, while Gaara counterattacks with his absolute defense and crushing sand techniques. Despite Kimimaro's strength, he succumbs to his illness before defeating Gaara, ending the fight with a sand avalanche. React made by - Gustavo Kamuz from the @RadarAnime Channel Insta - @radar_anime