Russia is only a 2-hour drive from Gdansk. We are talking about Kaliningrad Oblast, a former German enclave that was assigned to Russia at the end of World War II. Since Putin's invasion of Ukraine, Kaliningrad Oblast has taken on great importance. Our reporting team got to this sensitive territory to report. Kaliningrad Oblast is an area of 15,000 km2, today inhabited by about a million Russians. It was once German territory and the birthplace of Immanuel Kant. It borders Lithuania to the north, and Poland to the other sides - two NATO and EU member states that have been particularly involved in helping Ukraine since the Russian invasion. It is in Kaliningrad Oblast that the Russian army's naval and land bases are located, and it is here that it has deployed its Iskander nuclear missiles. Despite the proximity of the European Union, the local population seems to support the Kremlin's actions. Well - maybe it just seems that way? The repression against those who oppose the regime is severe. As the war continues, the Kaliningrad Oblast is closing in on itself, pushing away foreign tourists. Our reporting team has entered this sensitive territory to report to us. ???? Report available until 21/05/2052 Find out more about what's happening in Europe with ARTE.tv Documentary in Polish ARTE.tv Documentary ???? is a Polish-language YouTube channel ???????? with documentaries and reports from the world of geopolitics, economy, society, culture, science and the environment. Every day we add new programs on topics that move the world ????. Looking for more ARTE content? ???? Visit our VOD service: https://www.arte.tv/pl/ and download our app for your phone, tablet or SmartTV. Don't forget to subscribe ✍️ to our YouTube channel Arte.tv Dokument to never miss our latest shows ???? / @artetvdokumenty You can also find us ???? on social media ???? Twitter: / artepl ???????????????? Facebook: / artepopolsku ???? Newsletter: https://www.arte.tv/pl/articles/newsl... #kaliningrad #Russia #putin