Carlo and Dorian from our subsidiary Grondbank GMG work every day on the best solution for soil and dredged material throughout the Netherlands. Creating something good every day and making the landscapes of the Netherlands even more beautiful. That is what we do. With soil and dredged material that is released somewhere, we create beautiful projects in other places. Collaboration is the key to success. In this way, we create added value for the environment and are ready for the future. How do you do this in a sustainable way? We do this step by step. With expertise and a feeling for the world around us, we make areas future-proof. With added value for people, animals and nature. The aim is to reuse soil and dredged material as high-quality and optimal as possible. We relieve our clients and relations, and always look for solutions that benefit society. Because added value only exists when others experience it. For example, by contributing to nature development, recreation, noise reduction and soil improvement. We work in the ground every day. And that creates obligations, we believe. In everything we do, we look ahead to what we leave behind. For us, sustainability goes beyond looking at our CO2 emissions. It is about having a positive impact on the environment, with an eye to future generations. In doing so, we take the living environment into account, minimize transport movements so that our emissions are reduced and build sustainable relationships. In addition, we ensure a good working atmosphere for our people so that everyone goes to work with pleasure.