The river deposits new clay every time. Colleagues Wim Vermeule and Hendrik Sanders from our subsidiary Delgromij explain why clay is a sustainable raw material. And why clay extraction is important to all of us. In doing so, we work hard to make our business operations and projects more sustainable, together with our partners. A lot is possible, but you have to tackle it and persevere. Creating future-proof areas, that is what we do We extract clay. In doing so, we simultaneously ensure flood safety and natural landscapes where flora and fauna are given space, and where everyone who wants to can relax. We work in the ground every day. And that creates obligations, we believe. In everything we do, we also look ahead to what we leave behind. Moreover, we literally contribute our (brick)stone to the construction task in the Netherlands. For us, sustainability goes beyond looking at our CO2 emissions. It is about having a positive impact on the environment, with a view to future generations.