The cycle of conferences "Memory Justice", organized by the Academia Civică Foundation - Memorial to the Victims of Communism and Resistance and the Spandugino Foundation, coordinated and moderated by Cristian Pătrășconiu, proposes ideas and debates around hot topics, highlighting the role and importance of memory in evoking and understanding the facts that happened during the period of communism, the political system that caused the most victims in the entire history of humanity. What kind of dangers threaten contemporary democracy, generating a profound crisis of leadership? What are the six big areas we could learn a lot from ancient thinkers? What models of leaders can we discover in the great myths and epics of Greco-Roman Antiquity? But in the books of the Old Testament? Could it be said that power transforms man or, on the contrary, that it reveals something deeply inscribed in the human being? What are the two types of rhetoric illustrated in Plato's Speeches? In the opening of the third season of the "Memory Justice" conference series, the lecture of Theodor Paleologu, Doctor of Political Philosophy, entitled "Ancient Leadership Lessons for a World Gone Mad", delivered on October 16, 2023, in the permanent exhibition space of the Memorial to the Victims of Communism in Bucharest, offers a fascinating foray into the wealth of meanings of the ancient texts, revealing an impressive gallery of portraits of extraordinary leaders, in a continuous process of self-improvement, who embody universal archetypes defined by virtue, moderation and the courage of truth.