Also known as Casa do Bandeirante, Chácara do Rosário is a 1756 property with architecture typical of the Bandeirante period and is preserved as it was built at the time when the property was called Engenho Grande and became one of the largest sugar producers. of the province. Chácara do Rosário in Itu is a property that is over 250 years old and currently works with cultural events, rural tourism, weddings, educational tourism, horseback riding and events for companies and groups. Originally from 1756, it was used by bandeirantes at the end of the gold cycle in Minas Gerais and the beginning of sugar exploration in Itu. Upon arriving at the farm, this story is illustrated by the furniture and objects present in the main house, built in mud. Afterwards, the owner, João Pacheco, guides the horses, which cross fields in the region and pass through a narrow and shallow stream. Once a month, always on the Saturday closest to the full moon, there are guided horseback rides within the property. At the end, you can also taste the homemade dinner with viola mode. Source: @paulo_victor_fa ????Ricardo Inke Watercolourist: 012 99770-0513 ????Contacts, updates, news, tour schedule and much more: https://direct.me/fazendasantigas VIDEOS YOU CAN LIKE HERE ON THE CHANNEL: GOLD is in FURNITURE and in the FAZENDA CHAPEL (1791) - FAZENDA LOANDA • GOLD is in the FURNITURE and in the CHAPEL of... A VERY RARE ORIGINAL SUGAR PLANT IN OPERATION IN THE NORTHEAST • A VERY RARE ORIGIN SUGAR PLANT... THE FARM OF 365 WINDOWS, the BIGGEST of the AMERICAS • the FARM with 365 windows, the largest of... A PHOTOGRAPHER and a LEGACY for BRAZIL (MARC FERREZ) Photos of Slavery0 • A PHOTOGRAPHER and a LEGACY for BRAZIL... PRESERVED COFFEE FARM with CHAPEL CONSECRATED in AREAL - RJ • PRESERVED COFFEE FARM WITH CHAPEL... SECRET TUNNEL FOUND 100 YEARS LATER at HISTORICAL FARM - Alagoas • SECRET TUNNEL found 100 YEARS later... IT WAS THE SCENE OF BATTLES - FAZENDA SÃO JOÃO in Lages SC • Was the stage of important battles - SEE what I FOUND HIDDEN on the FLOOR of the COUNT'S ROOM in the CASARÃO • I never imagined seeing that on the floor of what... ???? ❤ ???? Instagram- @fazendasantigas [email protected] Ancient Farms Production Rua Simão da Cunha Gago Nº438 CEP 27213-170 Volta Redonda RJ ????Our website: https://www.fazendasantigas.com ????SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL CORTES FAZENDAS ANTIGAS: /cortesfazendasantigas