※ This video is part of <Your Precious Body Part 8 - A 2-week Miracle to Prevent Cervical Disc Herniation> broadcast on July 1, 2023. Cervical disc herniation, a chronic disease of modern people caught up in their busy daily lives. The best experts have gathered to provide a miraculous 2-week solution to prevent cervical disc herniation. A doctor, a clinical nutritionist, and a health and exercise manager meet three people in the pre-diabetic stage and suggest customized solutions such as eating habits and exercise. ✔ Program name: Your Precious Body Part 8 - A 2-week Miracle to Prevent Cervical Disc Herniation ✔ Broadcast date: July 1, 2023 #GolladyeonDocumentary #YourPreciousBody #CervicalDisc #Disc #DiscSurgery #LumbarDisc #BackPainRelief #NeckPain #StraightNeck #TurtleNeck #TurtleNeckStretching #TurtleNeckCorrection #TurtleNeckExercise #ManualTherapy #RehabilitationTherapy #Treatment #Health #Correction #CorrectionExercise #Stretching #Scoliosis #CervicalSpine