The new president of the Belo Horizonte City Council, councilman Juliano Lopes (Podemos), called vice-mayor Álvaro Damião (União Brasil) “disastrous” and the leader of Mayor Fuad Noman’s government, councilman Bruno Miranda (PDT), a “traitor”, during an interview with Café com Política on FM O TEMPO 91.7. Juliano Lopes said that he was betrayed by both in the election, but spared Mayor Fuad Noman (PSD), whom he called a “man of his word”. The new president said he believes that the reelected mayor had nothing to do with the late launch of Miranda’s candidacy for the presidency of the House. 00:00 LEAVE YOUR LIKE! 02:00 SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL SUBSCRIBE to our exclusive sports channel: / @otemposports SUBSCRIBE to the channel: https://bit.ly/inscricaootempo Follow the main news from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais and Brazil at https://bit.ly/siteotempo Like our page on Facebook: https://bit.ly/faceotempo Follow us on Instagram: https://bit.ly/instaotempo Follow us on Twitter: https://bit.ly/twitterotempo