Jujutsu Kaisen is an action and supernatural anime that revolves around Yuji Itadori, a teenager who finds himself drawn into the hidden world of curses after eating a cursed finger. To save his friends and stop the curse from spreading, Yuji enrolls in Tokyo Metropolitan Technical High School, where he learns to control his new powers and fight the forces of darkness. The series combines elements of fast-paced action, comedy, and drama, while exploring themes of friendship, loyalty, and the price of power. Don't forget to subscribe, turn on sleep, like, and comment. 🇯🇵 [ REVIEW ] 🇯🇵 ANIME: • 🇯🇵 [ REVIEW ] 🇯🇵 ANIME 🇯🇵 [ INDICATION ] 🇯🇵 J-DRAMA: • 🇯🇵 [ INDICATION ] 🇯🇵 J-DRAMA 🇯🇵 [ REVIEW ] J-DRAMA: • 🇯🇵 [ REVIEW ] 🇯🇵 J-DRAMA 00:00 こんにちは 00:24 Technical Sheet 01:00 Best Scene 01:55 Best Scene 2 02:46 Best Character 04:10 Will there be a sequel?