The Jornal Nacional, on Rede Globo, highlighted in a special report the 50th anniversary of the National Immunization Program. The work carried out by Butantan and FioCruz in the production of vaccines, and by the Ministry of Health in the distribution throughout the country, including the most remote areas, is considered fundamental to the success of the PNI. “Arriving at a location and carrying out vaccination campaigns is a Brazilian gem,” says Butantan director Esper Kallás in the report. Check it out! And there is more special content about the 50th anniversary of the PNI on the Butantan Portal, on #LinkdaBio, and at this link http://bit.ly/46j8isv . #ÉdoButantan #PNI50Anos #Vacina #Vacinação #Saúde #PaiseFilhos #BoraVacinar #MinisteriodaSaúde #50AnosdePNI ▶ Instituto Butantan - At the service of Life ▶ Subscribe, like and share! #Butantan Institute #Science #Education