Jorge Alves Barcelos was born in Itumbiara, Goiás, on August 27, 1982. In 2005, he formed a duo alongside Mateus, whom he met at a party. Jorge and Mateus are the biggest and most important duo of the current generation of country music. Since 2005, no other name has influenced national music more than the two friends from Itumbiara. Jorge studied law for 4 years, but dropped out of college because of music. He also taught Geography and History before dedicating himself exclusively to music. He has been dealing with rumors about the duo's separation for years, something that never came to fruition. In the interview, he talks about the brotherly relationship he has with Mateus, which was not always as peaceful as it is today. Explanation for the size of Jorge and Mateus? He doesn’t take any chances with the answer, but he believes the “humanization” of the artist is important. He claimed to be “anti-idolatry”, and this could be one of the many details that support such a successful and stable career. The chat is really worth it.