Dr. Heidi Merz appears in Büttenwarder at the invitation of Mayor Griem. She is a manager at a large international corporation that is planning to build a huge reprocessing plant in Büttenwarder. Bright prospects for everyone Heidi now presents the bright prospects to the villagers: Jopps for everyone! The reaction is cautious. Brakelmann and Co. already have a Jopp that keeps them busy day in, day out. But the offers that the smart lady now presents in individual discussions are astonishing. With almost no real expectation of anything in return, the farmers are promised generous pay and absurd privileges for future employment in the corporation! Healthy suspicion against absurd privileges The mood in the village quickly changes. Now everyone is excited. Only Adsche's suspicions are aroused. And while the grandson of the two farmers, Manuel, is experiencing the happiness of first love with the daughter of the manager who is staying in Büttenwarder, Adsche finds out that Büttenwarder is about to fall into a dangerous trap! Episode 76 / 2017 / buettenwarder https://www.ndr.de/buettenwarder / neuesausbuettenwarder https://www.ndr.de