What could have happened to mini Miss JonBenét Patricia Ramsay, found lifeless inside her home on December 26, 1996? After all, the author (or authors?) would be closer than one might think? #crime #christmas #family #podcast #miss To become a member, click on the link below: / @betoribeirocrime BETO RIBEIRO STORE - NOTEBOOKS, MUGS, T-SHIRTS AND MUCH MORE WEBSITE: https://lojabetoribeiro.com.br FOR INTERNATIONAL SALES, USE WHATS: +55 11 94306-3034 Subscribe, like, comment. :) CR1ME AND MYSTERY INC. - WITH BETO RIBEIRO Instagram: / betoribeiro TikTok: / betoribeiro_ Twitter: / betoribeiroplay Telegram Link: https://t.me/betoribeirocrime WhatsApp Link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BYStZ9a6TuZ...