Supporting the Sam Media Mission in Lee Sun-woo's Praise - Nonghyup English name: NONGHYUP BANK Nonghyup SWIFT CODE: NACFKRSEXXX Nonghyup English address (head office): 120, TONGIL-RO, JUNG-GU, SEOUL, KOREA (Zip code 04517) Phone number: 82-2-3704-1004 Recipient Nonghyup account number: 352-1883-3763-13 Depositor: (spring of praise for Lee Seon-u) Ministry and inquiries: [email protected] The Lee Sun-woo Praise Spring Bible listening app has been released. Praise Spring Bible Reading App https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... If you memorize one verse of the Bible a day, you will have 365 verses in a year. In three years, you will have over 1000 verses. Meditate on the Word every day. Your life will change. I bless you to experience the living God by listening to one chapter a day and memorizing one verse a day.