website http://www.gertvanhoef.nl/. Fanfare JN Lemmens (1823-1881) and an improvisation on Psalm 42 with community singing, played by Gert van Hoef in the Reformed Church 'De Opgang' in Lutten on the beautiful Scottish organ, built by Andrew Watt. June 6, 2015 Live recording Organ concert Reformed Church De Opgang Lutten Organist: Gert van Hoef website http://www.gertvanhoef.nl/. Fanfare JN Lemmens (1823-1881) and an improvisation on Psalm 42 with community singing, played by Gert van Hoef in the Reformed Church 'De Opgang' in Lutten on the beautiful Scottish organ, built by Andrew Watt. June 6, 2015 Live recording concert Reformed church Lutten Organist: Gert van Hoef