JLPT N2 JLPT N2 JLPT N2 passing secrets prepared by Mihee Yu, a master instructor! Perfectly prepare for the exam that is just around the corner! 👇🏻JLPT hitting & commentary special lecture event! What are the JLPT surefire materials?👇🏻 https://bit.ly/40y5oQU ❗Passing strategies revealed by Mihee Yu❗ Vocabulary 00:40 Grammar 38:06 Reading 50:58 Listening 1:11:21 #JapaneseLecture #JapaneseStudy #JapaneseSelfStudy #JLPTStudyMethod #JLPTPreparation #JLPT #CoolSchoolJapanese #CoolSchoolJLPT #JLPTSelfStudy