Complete step-by-step instructions for updating the inverter BMS JK BMS pb2a16s20p, JK BMS pb2a16s15p and JK BMS pb2a16s10p are also suitable. I bought the RS485 converter here https://prom.ua/ua/p1186893961-indust... Official jkbms website, on the page you can download the application for the PC https://www.jkbms.com/support/ Off-grid garage website https://off-grid-garage.com/battery-m... Here you can download the firmware for the BMS and the application for the PC https://drive.google.com/drive/folder... Here the codes are generated for which are needed for force update https://mirofromdiro.github.io/JK-fir... 00:00 Greetings 00:12 What will be needed 01:23 Making a wire for connecting the PC - BMS 01:42 Pinout of rj45 to jkbms 06:40 Connecting to a PC 06:55 Does the carpet drag 09:50 Connecting the jk-bms-monitor application 12:50 Updating the jkbms firmware 18:25 What to do if the update gave an error 19:40 Force Update reviving the brick