Jirocho's Romance of the Three Kingdoms Part 7: Jirocho's Family's First Celebration (Released January 3, 1954) Based on the novel by Murakami Genzo, directed by Makino Masahiro. Cast: Kobori Akira, Kawazu Seizaburo, Nagato Hiroyuki, Kuji Asami, Koizumi Hiroshi, Morishige Hisaya, Koshiji Fubuki, and others. The main character in the first half is Shima's Kiyozo, who also made a brief appearance in the previous film. He is played by the director's nephew, Nagato Hiroyuki, who is still under twenty years old. The interaction between Kiyozo, who does not know his mother, and Nagebushi Onaka (Kuji Asami), who warmly watches over him, is also wonderful. The climax is a big fight with the family of Yasugeta's Kyuroku (Chiba Nobuo), who attacks the Jirocho family when they fall after being poisoned by puffer fish. Don't miss the spear handling of Osono (Koshiji Fubuki), who also showed up in the previous film. #period drama #Jirocho Romance of the Three Kingdoms #Shimizu Jirocho #Makino Masahiro #Nagato Hiroyuki #Kuji Asami #Koshiji Fubuki #japanesehistoricaldrama #samuraimovie #period drama